Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A Community Marketing Experiment

We have great content for the conference, and now we need to make sure the great content gets to amazing participants. The practical contents we've cooked up together with the speaker community can only teach you things if you participate. 

A few years back, we learned from the wonderful Helena Jeret-Mae that "Nothing happens when nothing happens". She had observed how her career turned more exciting as she started showing up at conferences. And we've learned that sometimes the best way to get change initiated is to have people in conferences teach the colleagues that won't listen to you. So you should join, and make sure your contacts get in too. 

Early Bird Tickets are available now until Nov 31st and you can get your ticket at http://europeantestingconference.eu 

We also want to announce a community marketing experiment. Many conferences hand out tickets in the background to communities for promotion, and we want to experiment making this available for normal people, not just community leaders. Our offer is this:
Find five people who would like to join our conference. We give you a discount code of 10% and when it is used five times, you get your ticket for free. 
If you believe you want to be here and would help us in getting the right people together for a great conference, get in touch for the code. You find us at contact@europeantestingconference.eu

A Community Marketing Experiment